Thursday 17 June 2010


I have learned that in publication, layout design is as important as content as they complement each other to help deliver messages effectively. Having this in mind, I will use information value to present different meanings, create importance with saliency and to connect and disconnect elements with framing in my future documents. (Kress & van Leuween 1998)

As I always blog about my short film production, I have now learnt to write things the way my readers would understand. I must connect with my readers through their situational and cultural context. I also must write carefully when writing critiques as so to avoid offending, discriminating or misinforming my readers.

Design theories are also incorporated in my production blog where I used information value, saliency and framing for easy navigation and reading. I have lots of images to compliment what I write as readers do like to see more of whats happening than reading!

Before I end this post, IPD has taught me a lot and have taught me well. I have learnt a lot of things that will be put in to my future works.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Are Citizen Jounalists Bad?

Anyone, including you, me, your neighbors and friends can be a citizen journalist. A citizen journalist collects and disseminates information about anything ranging from events to people, trends, issues and politics. With the development of technology, citizen journalists are increasing in its popularity through the internet via blogs. It is so easy for anyone to take a picture on the streets and upload it on the internet and social net working websites for dissemination.

Many of them now report from the scene via wireless internet or 3G. Journalists feels that this is an issue as they are afraid that these citizen journalists do not know how to apply objectivity in their reports and they may not know how to report based on the code of ethics of journalism as required for professional news reporting.

There is nothing wrong with citizen journalism; in fact, it has been widely encouraged for people to report and share information. How do we know what is ethical to be published and shared with the world?

However, there is nothing wrong with citizen journalism. In fact it is encouraged as many people will know what is happening all around. But how do they know what is ethical reporting? Differentiating between what should be reported and what should be not?

Here’s some basic reporting ethics from SaveTheMedia.

Try not to report anything that would hurt another person or cost someone their future, career or relationship. If you really have to report something you saw, at least get both sides of the story before writing about anyone that could put them in a bad light. This also means that you would give a source where there are sufficient chances to respond to your report.

An example of this would be the Tampines Junior College students who were reported to have been “heavy petting at the back of bus number 12″. The netizen had snapped a picture and posted it on a popular local forum. He/she had not bothered to get find out what was going on and did not think of the consequences before posting it online. His / her actions had resulted in the both Junior College students getting them fired from their student councillor titles for something that they might not have done in the first place. This incident was reported on Asia One.

Don’t publish what you will not want to see published on the newspapers. This would mean no publishing of inappropriate use of language, pictures or videos. Simply put, do not publish anything that would cause discomfort to those whom are reading or viewing it.

Be honest when you are writing the story. Admit your mistake if you have said something wrong. If you misunderstood something, acknowledge it. If you inadvertently wrong someone, apologize and try to fix it.

Gina Chen, 19 October 2009, viewed 13 June 2010

AsiaOne, 21 Jan 2009, viewed 13 June 2010

Tuesday 15 June 2010

New Media is not Evil

The sudden rise of online activities such as blogs and twitter are posing a threat to many journalists as these new media portray the end of traditional journalism and hence losing their jobs. (Rowse 2007) However, after reading the transcript of The Media Report, Paul Bradshaw showed journalists 10 reasons that they should be cheerful of the new media. (Funnell 2008)

The whole transcript is basically about the presenter, Antony Funnell interviewing Paul of the 10 factors why journalists should not be afraid of the convergence of new media. I feel that journalists and publishers should not be threatened as there are a lot of users out there that just favours the fresh feeling of newspapers every morning. As Heilbut (2010) mentioned, internet news is not a good substitute as our eyes will be tired out after staring on the screen for too long.

Don't you think is just hard to read?

Moreover, everyone has to understand that there is a difference between reading text on the computer and reading something physical. Walsh (2006) mentioned that literary text like newspapers and books serves a totally different purpose as compared to hypertexts and online text publishing.

With the help of technology, journalists can make more wonders for readers as country to country borders are not a hindrance anymore. With the creation of Skype, Windows Live Messenger, e-mail and blogs, there is no need for expensive calls or snail mail anymore.

Journalists and publishers are still a important as we need them to produce the ever lovable physical newspapers that we read during breakfast!

Funnell, A 2008, The blogging revolution, the media report, viewed on 12 June 2010

Lowenstein, A 2008, The blogging revolution, readings, viewed on 12 June 2010

Olsen, L & Huckin, T 1991, technical writing and professional communication, 2nd edition, Mcgraw and hill, new York, pg 230-232

Wyld, D 2007, The blogging revolution: goverment in the age of web 2.0, IBM Center for the business of government, viewed on 10 June 2010

Monday 14 June 2010

Is Privacy Still Ours?

As the rising rates on internet crimes like identity thefts, scams, spamming and stalking, the online community is worried about the stand on internet privacy. Are we still in control of our privacy?

Cecilia Kang (2010) wrote about the public awareness the display of their intimate information, which worries and enrages the users as it invades their privacy. Facebook implemented a high-privacy setting change which allowed their users to have a control over what information to display and not to display after user complaints in December 2009 (Kang 2010). Moreover, the Federal Trade Commission is hovering over online privacy concerns, and is being pressurized aggressively by private attorneys to address complains of user’s privacy invasions by Google Buzz and Facebook (Kang 2010).

Google Buzz


We have to face the fact that the existence of blogging allows bloggers to share personal information with the online world. As a teenager, not only does sharing information allows us to meet more new people, but also being heard makes it more worthwhile. It has long been a normal phenomenon since blogging has been commercialized. While Kang (2010) mentioned that users are finding it hard to maintain their privacy, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook gave his opinion that users are becoming comfortable not just with sharing information, but more openly and willingly with other users. This normality has grown with time. Facebook has set the public setting as default as a reflection on the normality. (Kirtkpatrick 2010)

Kang, C 2009, Is Internet privacy dead? No, just more complicated: researchers, The Washington Post, viewed 13th June 2010, .

Kirkpatrick, M 2010a, Facebook’s Zuckerberg says the age of privacy is over, ReadWriteWeb, viewed 13th June 2010, .

Kirkpatrick, M 2010b, Why Facebook is wrong: Privacy is still important, ReadWriteWeb, viewed 13th June 2010, .

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Good design for screen genre

Reep (2006) stated that readers not only read the written words on a page but also the visual arrangement of the text. The sub-heading is not clearly being illustrated. Reep (2006) mentioned that a typeface is a particular design for the type on a page. In the visual of Ideal and Real, the sub-heading's typeface is not clearly emphasized with the red text colour. By having a bolder typeface and eye-catching colour, readers could understand the message easily and will not misread it.

In this second screen shot, it shows visual without text. Bernhardt (1986) stated that written text will gain flexibility in organisation. In addition, text could help in the understanding of a matter in a more appropriate way. Images that do not show any text will render the readers not understanding what the image is trying to deliver. Readers’ interpretation may be different and the meaning of what the publisher is trying to deliver will be lost.

Besides, this third screen shot of my group presentation slide shows a visual with text. However, the message that is trying to be delivered is not clear because there is only black and white text and image being shown. Reep (2006) mentions that colors should be present in a document in order to attract readers and help readers to move through a document and find specific kinds of information. It can also help distinguish among the levels of information according to purpose or importance.


  1. Bernhardt, S, A, 1986, 'Seeing the text', College Composition and Communication, Vol. 37, No.1, pp.66-78
  2. Reep, D, C, 2006, 'Chapter6: Document Design', Technical Writing, Pearson/Longman, 6th edn, pp. 133-172

Monday 19 April 2010

New forms of media publishing

YouTube is a new media form befitting the technological era of the internet. YouTube allows its users to convey their thoughts through video posts. As a result of its existence, Vlog or a video log can used as express blogging via YouTube. According to Cheng, Dale and Liu (2007, p.1), YouTube has 40million videos of different types and categories.

YouTube found itself facing legal issues of copyright as the videos uploaded onto YouTube can be uploaded without verification. However this is a thing of the past as YouTube now has their content screened and if it violates any company’s copyright, they will remove the video. (Marsden, 2009)


  1. Cheng, X, Dale, C, Liu, J, 2007, Understanding the Characteristic of Internet Short Video Sharing: YouTube as a Case Study, viewed 12 April 2010,
  2. Marsden, 2009, Rhodri Marsden: Why did my YouTube account get closed down?, viewed 12 April 2010,

Sunday 18 April 2010

Types of blogging communities & methods to build blogging communities

What makes up a blogging community? Blogging communites are actually made up of bloggers united by a common blogging website such as an advertisement provider like Nuffnang (an online blog advertising community for the region of Asia). There are three categories that the blogging community can be divided into. Community one, one blogging platform many authors. Community two, where there is one site that unites the bloggers while community three are madu up of bloggers and readers that are connected though social networking.

As mentioned by White (2006), individuals can begin blogging as a medium for community development in areas of technology, social architecture, role of subject matter and issues like life cycles and scalability. For that reason, when building a blogging community, the blogger must one way or another, have connections with other blogger’s website. Nikkis (2009) stated that they can participate in responding to their posts and make their own blogs entertaining, and have frequent updates as well as market their blog to increase readership.


  1. Nikkis 2009, How to Build a Blogging Community, online, viewed 12 April 2010,
  2. White, N. 2006, Blogs and Community-Launching a New Paradigm for Online Community?, online, viewed 12 April 2010,

Classification of blogs & opinion about the most appropriate classification approach

Blog classifications range from political, sports, technological and entertainment blogs. (Technorati, 2009). In Malaysia, there are several more to the classification which would be diary/journal, advertisement, political, fashion and many other minor blogs. Generally, those who uses a blog as a public diary are those of the younger generation while those who uses a blog as a fashion blog are usually females whom are either fashion critiques, highlighting new trends or are operating a blogshop and online boutique. Political blogs are usually generated by politicians and those who are in the political scene. However such blogs have created much uproar back in the political scene as many information are revealed and feuds are ignited from those blogs. Topics may vary from each blog as the blogger decides what to mention in the blog (Bruns & Jacobs, 2005). After the existence of the blogging phenomenon, there has been no other media force that is stronger than the force of blogging.

Political Blog
Personal Blog
Fashion Blog
Advertising Blog


  1. Bruns, A. & Jacobs, 2005, Uses of Blogs: Chapter One, online, viewed 10 April 2010,<>.
  2. Technorati 2009, Blog Directory,online,viewed 10 April 2010,.

Saturday 17 April 2010

Blogs as current phenomenon & benefits of blogging to the community

A weblog is simply an online journal that is updated by an individual online. It is available for public reading or it could be private, only accessible by some or none at all. A blog represent the author’s personality by means of writing style, blog design and format. According to Branum (2001), weblog is a term that describes a personal website that is chronologically organized. He also mentioned that weblog represents the online junction of people and time. As books and articles are to authors, weblogs is to bloggers. Individuals blog for a variety of reasons. Some are just merely sharing their ideas, thoughts. Others are to promote their business or to start a discussion.

Now in the age of information technology, nearly everyone in the world is online. Kristi (2009) mentions that when there is a community, the readers will view the particular blog again and leave comments. Those comments will have the blogger inspired to blog more as well as share ideas with others. In return that blogger be recommended to a larger community of bloggers. This will help the blog increase in readership.


  1. Branum, JM 2001, The Blogging Phenomenon: An Overview and Theoretical Consideration, online, viewed 9 April 2010,
  2. Kristi 2009, Benefits of Blogging- Building a Community, online, viewed 9 April 2010,

Friday 16 April 2010

Purpose of my blog

The purpose of this blog is to highlight and educate publication issues to budding publication designers and other students. Generally this blog is targeted to those who are looking for a summarized version of basics of blogging from the history to the new age principles of it. This blog discusses about other blog issues, blog design as well as many aspects of blogging in the media.